Open WebUI - Best ChatGPT-Style Web UI Client for Ollama and LLMs

What is Open WebUI?

Open WebUI, formerly Ollama webui, is an extensible, feature-rich, and user-friendly self-hosted WebUI designed to operate entirely offline. It supports various LLM runners, including Ollama and OpenAI-compatible APIs. It is a revolutionary LLM local deployment framework with ChatGPT like web interface.

Open WebUI

Features of Open WebUI

Intuitive Interface: Our chat interface takes inspiration from ChatGPT, ensuring a user-friendly experience.

Responsive Design: Enjoy a seamless experience on both desktop and mobile devices.

Swift Responsiveness: Enjoy fast and responsive performance.

Effortless Setup: Install seamlessly using Docker or Kubernetes (kubectl, kustomize or helm) for a hassle-free experience.

Code Syntax Highlighting: Enjoy enhanced code readability with our syntax highlighting feature.

Full Markdown and LaTeX Support: Elevate your LLM experience with comprehensive Markdown and LaTeX capabilities for enriched interaction.

Local RAG Integration: Dive into the future of chat interactions with the groundbreaking Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) support. This feature seamlessly integrates document interactions into your chat experience. You can load documents directly into the chat or add files to your document library, effortlessly accessing them using # command in the prompt. In its alpha phase, occasional issues may arise as we actively refine and enhance this feature to ensure optimal performance and reliability.

Web Browsing Capability: Seamlessly integrate websites into your chat experience using the # command followed by the URL. This feature allows you to incorporate web content directly into your conversations, enhancing the richness and depth of your interactions.

Prompt Preset Support: Instantly access preset prompts using the / command in the chat input. Load predefined conversation starters effortlessly and expedite your interactions. Effortlessly import prompts through Open WebUI Community integration.

RLHF Annotation: Empower your messages by rating them with thumbs up and thumbs down, facilitating the creation of datasets for Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF). Utilize your messages to train or fine-tune models, all while ensuring the confidentiality of locally saved data.

Download/Delete Models: Easily download or remove models directly from the web UI.

Multiple Model Support: Seamlessly switch between different chat models for diverse interactions.

Multi-Modal Support: Seamlessly engage with models that support multimodal interactions, including images (e.g., LLava).

Modelfile Builder: Easily create Ollama modelfiles via the web UI. Create and add characters/agents, customize chat elements, and import modelfiles effortlessly through Open WebUI Community integration.

Chat History: Effortlessly access and manage your conversation history.

Image Generation Integration: Seamlessly incorporate image generation capabilities using AUTOMATIC1111 API (local) and DALL-E, enriching your chat experience with dynamic visual content.

OpenAI API Integration: Effortlessly integrate OpenAI-compatible API for versatile conversations alongside Ollama models. Customize the API Base URL to link with LMStudio, Mistral, OpenRouter, and more.

External Ollama Server Connection: Seamlessly link to an external Ollama server hosted on a different address by configuring the environment variable.

Multi-User Management: Easily oversee and administer users via our intuitive admin panel, streamlining user management processes.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Ensure secure access with restricted permissions; only authorized individuals can access your Ollama, and exclusive model creation/pulling rights are reserved for administrators.

Backend Reverse Proxy Support: Bolster security through direct communication between Open WebUI backend and Ollama. This key feature eliminates the need to expose Ollama over LAN. Requests made to the '/ollama/api' route from the web UI are seamlessly redirected to Ollama from the backend, enhancing overall system security.

For more features, please visit link:

Frequently Asked Questions About Open WebUI

Why am I asked to sign up? Where are my data being sent to?

We require you to sign up to become the admin user for enhanced security. This ensures that if the Open WebUI is ever exposed to external access, your data remains secure. It's important to note that everything is kept local. We do not collect your data. When you sign up, all information stays within your server and never leaves your device. Your privacy and security are our top priorities, ensuring that your data remains under your control at all times.

Why can't my Docker container connect to services on the host using localhost?

Inside a Docker container, localhost refers to the container itself, not the host machine. This distinction is crucial for networking. To establish a connection from your container to services running on the host, you should use the DNS name host.docker.internal instead of localhost. This DNS name is specially recognized by Docker to facilitate such connections, effectively treating the host as a reachable entity from within the container, thus bypassing the usual localhost scope limitation.

Is GPU support available in Docker?

GPU support in Docker is available but varies depending on the platform. Officially, GPU support is provided in Docker for Windows and Docker Engine on Linux. Other platforms, such as Docker Desktop for Linux and MacOS, do not currently offer GPU support. This limitation is important to consider for applications requiring GPU acceleration. For the best experience and to utilize GPU capabilities, we recommend using Docker on platforms that officially support GPU integration.

I updated/restarted and now my login isn't working anymore, I had to create a new account and all my chats are gone.​

This issue typically arises when a Docker container is created without mounting a volume for /app/backend/data or if the designated Open WebUI volume (usually named open-webui in our examples) was unintentionally deleted. Docker volumes are crucial for persisting your data across container lifecycles. If you find yourself needing to create a new account after a restart, it's likely you've initiated a new container without attaching the existing volume where your data resides. Ensure that your Docker run command includes a volume mount pointing to the correct data location to prevent data loss.

I tried to login and couldn't, made a new account and now I'm being told my account needs to be activated by an admin.

This situation occurs when you forget the password for the initial admin account created during the first setup. The first account is automatically designated as the admin account. Creating a new account without access to the admin account will result in the need for admin activation. Avoiding the loss of the initial admin account credentials is crucial for seamless access and management of Open WebUI. See the Resetting the Admin Password guide for instructions on recovering the admin account.