Express GPU VPS - GT730
Basic GPU VPS - P600
Lite GPU Dedicated Server - GT730
Express GPU Dedicated Server - P1000
Basic GPU Dedicated Server - GTX 1650
Basic GPU Dedicated Server - GTX 1660
Basic GPU Dedicated Server - RTX 4060
Advanced GPU Dedicated Server - RTX 3060 Ti
Lite GPU-K620
Lite GPU-GT730
Lite GPU-GT710
Our managed Lite GPU Servers with dedicated Nvidia Geforce GT 710/730 cards is a good choice for Android emulators such as BlueStacks, LDPlayer, etc. We have tested these plans, and the relevant screenshots are shown in the following pictures, and you can click here to view a more detailed test report.
Express GPU Dedicated Server - P620
Express GPU Dedicated Server - P1000
Our managed Express GPU Servers with dedicated Nvidia Quadro P620/P1000 cards is a good choice for Android emulators such as BlueStacks, LDPlayer, etc. We have tested these plans, and the relevant screenshots are shown in the following pictures, and you can click here to view a more detailed test report.
Basic GPU Dedicated Server - GTX 1650
Basic GPU Dedicated Server - GTX 1660
Our managed Basic GPU Servers with dedicated Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650/1660 cards is a good choice for Android emulators such as BlueStacks, LDPlayer, etc. We have tested these plans, and the relevant screenshots are shown in the following pictures, and you can click here to view a more detailed test report.